One of the best examples is in the Jack of Hearts chapter, which focuses on 20 players in a deadly game of solitary confinement. In Alice in Borderland, despite Arisu is the main focus of the story, several characters in the manga are also portrayed as the main characters, mainly in the special chapters, to give their point of view about the games that they have to endure.Such episodes may be of the Very Special Episode variety and may focus on a serious issue facing the guest character. In some cases, the regular characters are just present either to provide moral support or to be the recipients of An Aesop. In such cases, the regular characters may be temporarily demoted to Straight Man status. This is occasionally done in comedies where the focus is less on the regular characters usual antics and hijinks, and more on the guest character.

Sometimes the limelight is given to a guest character of note, often a character so outrageous that he/she upstages the regulars, or a nobody with a touching, moving story. Fans of secondary characters may explore the idea of their favourite character becoming the primary protagonist in a Fanfic. It can also be used to explore the possibility of an expanded role for a recurring or secondary character, or to set up a Spin-Off. This can be used to either give various cast members a rest, both for the actor and for the audience or to allow different episodes to be shot simultaneously to save on time or costs. A secondary or Ensemble character gets the primary focus for an episode in an atypical fashion.