Regarding new features/behavior changes, or if you have found any bugs, please submit a new issue to the issue tracker for it, or add your findings to an existing issue if someone. Unless you are a developer you should get your builds from curse. Don't ask for release dates or beta builds. Here you will find the source code for the Traincraft 1.12.2 rewrite. + Fixed a crash with the superclass on the switchstand IT'S FULLY REMOVED! Core + Fixed a crash with the ComputerCraft module. THIS UPDATED VERSION DOESN'T INCLUDE THE BAN-CODE ANYMORE.3 Download - Traincraft - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForg The install is very simple so just follow these few steps and you're done: Note: This applies to both client and server. Traincraft first came out in April 2011 See the Quick Guide for instructions on how to play the mod and configure. We're working hard on getting the mod updated to the latest Minecraft release but this will take some time. Traincraft is compatible with Minecraft Forge up to 1.7.10.

Download Instal Traincraft adds more than 80 trains, wagons and other moving vehicles to the game. The first idea was to have a controllable powered minecart in which you could sit 653,933 Downloads Last Updated: Game Version: Forge. The locomotive had no GUI and you couldn't attach the cart to the locomotive. At that time the mod was named Train and Zeppelin mod and only had one «steam» locomotive and one cart. Download Install Downloading Manage, install and update your addons/mods free with the Twitch Desktop App for windows & macOS! Download App ©2020 Twitch Interactive. Mods 654,274 Downloads Last Updated: Game Version: Forge.